Monday, October 8, 2007

Igorot Video from YouTube

Here is a video that I found on YouTube that is of a parade in Bontoc, the provincial capital of the Mountain Province on Luzon in the Philippines. It shows people in the traditional costume of the area, playing traditional music and doing the traditional dances. If you're not used to it, it probably just sounds like people banging on pots and pans, but it makes me feel very homesick for the Philippines. It's also reassuring to know that I can see the place any time I want.

I've been using YouTube for a long time now, and whenever I'm feeling nostalgic for a certain place or time, I can usually find something evocative. I also use YouTube for finding information, such as gardening advice and technical advice that I use for my job--things concerning language technology. I often use YouTube to see things that I missed on the news. If everyone is talking about some scandalous political ad that just came out, I can always see it on YouTube, since I rarely watch TV.

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